Monday, November 8, 2010

100th post!! yahoo!

in honor of my 100th post

i will tell you about my hundred dollarwish. man.. without coupons you can't get squat for 100 bucks!

with $100 we are going to attempt to do our whole xmas shopping.

its a challenge i put out for myself. considering we have like, 30 people to shop for... its a challenge.. but i Think i have come up with the perfect crafty idea. Details to follow.

p.s. if you are a blogger yourself, and you go they have a special promotion for promoting them in your blog. it takes a few days for the info to be emailed to you. but you get 50 free folded xmas cards for doing it! go ! do! reap the benefits of free!

aaand a cute picture for good measure.


  1. YAY!!! Waiting for my e-mail as we speak! Hope we both get them!!

    YAY for 100th post~

  2. Hooray! Waiting fo rmy email too, wonder how long it takes?

  3. You know what, I believe you can do it! :) I got over $100 worth of toys earlier in the summer for $25 at Target on clearance. Plus there are tons of freebies out there. :)

  4. OH! And CONGRATS on your hundredth post!!!!! Wahoo!!!


Go ahead, make my day