Monday, March 29, 2010

words from the heart

'Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure
It is our light ,not our darkness that most frightens us we ask ourselves
who am i to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?

actually who are you not to be?

you are a child of god
your playing small does not serve the world
there is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people wont feel insecure around you

we are born to make manifest the glory of god that is within us
its not just in some of us, it's in everyone
as we let our light shine
we unconciously give other people permission to do the same
as we are liberated from our fears
our presence automatically liberates others- marianne williamson

weekend rundown.

My oh My did we have a fun filled weekend, the monkeys behaved,(mostly) and we got to catch up on everyones lives, friday night we just hung out as mike had to work saturday morning, but saturday night was a great time at the casino buffet with mike and his parents, who dress up nice if i do say so myself. Dad got to spend some time with the wondertwins, and i think he appreciates how much work i do all day long. Mikeys brother took up babysitting sat evening and off to see some old friends we went.

Sunday i was brave and had ten little kids running around here at the crazy house. thats 100 fingers to get into things, 10 mouths to screech, and 10 smiles playing nicely together, while the parents got to better know each other. no accidents, no tears,(mostly) and everyone was pooped out by the end of the dance party. boy i am starting to get the hang of this mom thing. especially finding the balence between mom and me

only 3 months till my little cousin comes to stay for the summer. it'll be great to have her here And ill get a preview of teenagerdom

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

and so the story goes::

Once upon a time, there was a mommy who worked so hard to clean, that she ended up spinning in full circles, getting dizzy and overwhelmed and decided going to sleep was the better option. good night.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

flight of the monkeys.

Have you ever witnessed a flock of birds take flight, i mean Thousands of birds at once? it truely is remarkable, the air looks as if its full of energy, shifting and moving in sync, but never losing sight of where each set of wings are.

i wish life moved as slowly as that

today went great, until it didnt. came home had a great walk with the kids, my shoulder started to hurt, i got cranky, mike got cranky to match. the kids got crankier, alex got his hand pinched in the door. and now everyones sitting on the couch ignoring each other. yay.

maybe tomorrow will be seamless. maybe.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

did you know??

thanks for the idea mrs b!!

ask me anything! come on i know you've all got questions. ill answer honestly , honest.

Monday, March 8, 2010

March. make a real difference

you know, i've never thrown myself into anything crazy, not in a long time. i havent shown terrible interest in anything unknown, but this week, ive started collecting for the March of Dimes, why? because it makes a huge difference to some tiny people. ones that cant help themselves, that are vulnerable and weak, but fighters none the same.

did you ever wonder what good the money you spent on that coffee or that bag of chips could Really do?

i tell ya what. with that money, i can help babies born to early LIVE , to grow up to be teachers, peace keepers, world leaders.

but only if someone like me finds the time to throw myself into it.

We are doing the march of dimes for a friend whos baby did NOT make it, in Sadies memory. We will walk because that is all her mommy can do to try and make it right. it gives her a little hope to hold onto, knowing that maybe she can be someone elses angel.

come on guys, join me in the march of dimes just by clicking here, donate $5 $1 even,in your kids name, and know that you helped make a difference

Friday, March 5, 2010

are we really happy with who we are right now?

no new pictures to throw on up right this minute, but however i am going to TWO awesome concerts in the new few months( ya see.. this mom/grownup/housewife/responsible sensible me needs to be caged sometimes to let ME back out.. so i'm going to see paramore with my sister in columbus in may, and in april the hubbs and i are going to see Alexisonfire. oh. im so pumped. they are fantastic live. FANTASTIC. i only wish they were touring with .Moneen. still ...sigh. okay.

on a mom related side, the kids are on the mend. they had a lovley playdate today, minimal tantrums over who got the choo coo or truck. :O)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

a lesson in being mom

almost everything can be fixed with a bowl of icecream