Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Too Cute Tuesday

The boys had their first big kid play date at the mall today. they had a ball. as you can see. they fought over the girl :O)


  1. OMG, that's so cute!!! I need to get my Alex a leash. He escaped from me at the grocery store. You want to see funny, you see a 6 month pregnant ME chasing a very speedy 23 month old around (and around, and around) the meat case. Ugh. He also dumped out a whole can of baking powder on the store floor AND drew on the credit card machine screen with a real pen. The joys of motherhood...

  2. AWWWW! boys will be boys. ;) *very* cute. heck, i want a playdate @ the mall! or, maybe just by myself. yea, that'd be nice.


Go ahead, make my day